Michelle Niblock

With new flexibility to work remote the past couple of years, I’ve been able to rejoin the Buffalo community, and love to see how much this city is thriving. I work as a client lead for a global marketing agency, focusing on growth strategies for brands big and small across many diverse industries. While my role led me to move away for most of my career, I’ve been lucky to find my way back to Buffalo and discover just how much growth is happening right here at home.

Having a chance to consult for the co-op when I first moved back in 2020, I was blown away at how humble the staff and leadership were about everything they were doing at the stores and in the community. It is more than just a grocery store – it’s a partner to small businesses, a support system for new vendors, and fundamentally, a welcoming space for all who find it. I’m so excited to be a part of the board and guide the organization into the future because I know that when the co-op grows, the community does too. 

When I’m not munching on Lexi’s goodies (chicken wing soup is my favorite!), you can find me strolling Hertel, running through Delaware park, or commiserating with other diehard fans at the Bills games.