Emily Cosbey

I have been a Co-op member for roughly seven years now, starting when I moved to the Elmwood Village. Upon moving there, it quickly became clear how much the city depends on small businesses, and how central the Co-op became in our everyday living. As a customer I was able to learn a great deal about how Co-ops service surrounding farms and small businesses, and work to empower growth within the community. 

With that in mind, I decided to run for a seat on the Board of the Lexington Co-op. As an English as a New Language educator I share the co-op’s values in servicing our diverse Buffalo community by advocating for equity and access to whole, healthy, and local foods for all. 

In the short time that I have been a director, I have learned even more about the principles and mission of the co-op. It has been a true pleasure working alongside such passionate directors in our work to ensure sustainable and ever-evolving growth throughout the cooperative.